Saturday 3 October 2015

Mermaids, Medals and More

I've not had time to blog recently. Been busy with cakes and preparing for my first cupcake decorating class (I'll write about it in the next blog!).

I had great fun with these recent cakes. Was very excited about a mermaid cake order. Been wanting to make a mermaid for yonks. Then I got a Star Wars order too- I was very keen to make a galaxy/space background for the cake and cake board. It's fantastic fun splattering white paint (mixed with pearl for some sheen) onto pink, purple, blue & black spray painted background! And the construction cake- turning Oreos into 'soil' is really hard work, I kid you not. It was very very difficult not to eat the 'soil'.... But I digress...

The gymnast and construction themed cakes were good fun too. I thought it was sheer geniusness on my part to make the business logo (Inspired Gymnastics) into a gold medal. It was very tricky business making this gold medal:

First I rolled some yellow fondant and let it dry until it was 'leathery'. While that was drying, I printed out and cut the templates for the figures. When the fondant was dry enough I put the template on top and started cutting with my uber sharp craft knife. As you can see from the photo, the leg of the figure on the right broke. But all good as you can see, it's attached! I also cut the letters with my letter cutter and let those dry for a bit. The circular disc was ready and dry, so when the letters and figures were dry enough to be handled, I placed them onto the disc and glued them on. When all dry and firmly stuck to the disc, I painted on some gold luster. Wella! We have ourselves a gold medal made out of sugar :)

Have a fun day everyone!

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